
Sharne Hanrahan... The Pilates Minx
I was looking to start Pilates and I came across Emmanulle Brown, by the end of my first class I was completely hooked. After experiencing her pilates class I was very interested in trying her yoga classes. Emmanuelle spoke with such a great passion and love for yoga that I knew her classes would be amazing. I walked away feeling like these classes could potentially change my life... And how right I was. Emmanuelle's yoga classes are an experience in themselves, where you leave all inhibitions at the door and your totally and utterly immersed in yoga, they leave you feeling liberated, lighter and like your walking on air. Not only has she improved my strength and overall well being but also my ability to deal with life's little challenges too. I find her yoga classes inspirational and empowering, my week would no longer be complete without them.

Sarah Harvey... aka The Yoga Mermaid
I started going to yoga a couple of years ago and found that i didn't respond well to any of the teachers at my gym. I didn't find that I was getting enough out of the classes, physically or mentally. I stopped going for a long time because of this reason and I guess I kind of gave up on it all together. My mum eventually got me to go to one of Emmanuelle's yoga classes with her and i instantly fell in love with the way that she taught! The experience was so uplifting and nourishing that I decided to take it further and go to her yoga and meditation classes at her school. The whole process of these classes makes me want to go back for more every week. The theory, philosophy and passion that she puts in to her practice is so inspiring! Her classes are not only a rewarding workout for your body, but they are also a nourishing experience for your mind and spirit. It's honestly something everyone needs to experience...You'll never regret it!!

Jason Brereton... aka Spacer
My work requires me to spend several hours in front of a computer each day and I repeat movements that may not be correct or detrimental to my body and posture. Pilates and yoga has helped me to change these everyday movements, not just relying on my shoulders and upper body, but developing my abdominal core to give me more strength and power. I'm thrilled that I am being taught by Emmanuelle for the last 5 years as she is always there for you 200%, encouraging you, she's enthusiastic, and a marvelous coach always making observations of what your body is doing because she really wants to offer you a fulfilling session, by teaching the true Pilates and Akhanda Yoga, not some water downed version by upholding the traditional values and principles in a professional manner. She is fabulous and I highly recommend Pilates and Yoga with Emmanuelle to anyone who wants to Grow Young Again.

Robyn Stewart
My interest in Pilates stems back a few years. I didn't look into it further until recently when my daughter mentioned that she would like to go together to try and sort out our 'less than perfect' backs, Emmanuelle was mentioned by a friend who said she was amazing. I have exercised my whole life and worked with a variety of trainers and instructors, with varying results; then there's Emmanuelle. What a refreshing change it has been experiencing a true professional who implements a Pilates class where all are totally engaged. Emmanuelle's ability to clearly articulate every movement is extraordinary, allowing you to take control and gain as much as possible from every instruction. Emmanuelle's extensive knowledge of the human body and how it moves inspires confidence to attempt new challenges and with her individual support improve overall practice. Emmanuelle's classes are instructive, physically challenging but most importantly they work. My daughter and I enjoy every week and the future benefits I know will prevail.

I’m writing this testimonial to express my sincere gratitude for the wonderful teaching Emmanuelle is providing and which has unexpectedly changed my life for the better. If you wish to regain or improve your health, energy, mental clarity or find your physical, intellectual, and spiritual balance you are on the right page. You wouldn’t need to search any further, just go to the next class and I’m quite certain you’ll be impressed by what you’ll experience there. Emmanuelle’s yoga / Pilates sessions will create a turning point in your life. How do I know? It happened to me! I started visiting yoga and Pilates classes in the gym to build my strength with the intention of going back to work on cruise ships as a Fitness Director in May. I’ve attended many classes in different styles with various teachers but Emmanuelle’s sessions are certainly my favorite. She is an amazing teacher and her joy for life and her lively energy is truly uplifting. Watching her in the poses is awe inspiring. With the understanding of what the practice does and how to apply it to daily life every class is a unique and rewarding practice. On my spiritual journey, I‘ve visited many gurus and masters around the world; studied many different philosophies but here on a quiet street of Chirn Park where I have found the path that truly helps me to find a deeper level of joy, wisdom and balance in my everyday life. Emmanuelle has inspired me so much that by April I decided to turned down my cruise ship contract and rather spend more time to deepen my understanding in Akhanda Yoga. I would recommend Emmanuelle’s classes to anyone from a first time student to a dedicated yogi. See you there!

Gerard Cooper
Years of poor posture and incorrect lifting technique had already left me with a weakened and painful back and a jet ski accident ultimately bought the saga to an abrupt head. I then spent a lengthy period visiting Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, GP’s and a Surgeon. None were able to offer any alleviation to the pain or lack of mobility and perhaps on the whole, their treatments inflamed the situation. After a strong referral from a friend I met with Emmanuelle and at our first meeting I presented her with a myriad of scans, x-rays and reports from doctors and surgeons. Once the information was read, she explained to me what direction we would take and why. Her ability and manner in explaining the causes, reasons, techniques, physiology, etc. left me in no doubt that perhaps I had finally found a direction that offered some light at the end of the tunnel. I have now been visiting Emmanuelle once a week for five months, my improvement in diminished pain, increased flexibility and overall posture is striking. The knowledge she has imparted to me as to how my body works, behaves and responds is something I wish I had been aware of, way back in the dim dark ages. Not discounting her abilities as a pilates teacher but perhaps the most important attributes that this young woman has to offer are that she truly loves her work and genuinely cares for the people in her fold. P.S. Her mean side says no more jetski.