Our Yoga

Real Yoga Real People
Akhanda Yoga is the teachings and approach to class styles of Emmanuelle Brown's gurus Yogi Vishvaketu (Vishva-ji) and Chétana Panwar: with whom she takes retreats every year. The intention for Akhanda Yoga is to offer holistic, integrated yoga programs and classes with an emphasis on the balanced sequencing of asana, pranayama, relaxation, mantra and meditation. This integral approach to yoga classes is intended to give students access to more of the diverse teachings and techniques that the yoga system has to offer.
Beautiful Yoga Pic of Emmanuelle Brown at Chirn Park Pilates & Yoga, Southport.
When practiced and understood holistically, yoga becomes even more
beneficial to the student but also helpful to humanity in bringing harmony and balance to our lives, families and to society.
Emphasizing commitment to the balance between checkpoints for technique/body mechanics and guidelines for inner inquiry. Checkpoints, or the method of approaching a physical posture from a safety point of view, are important as foundational touchstones. As yoga is fundamentally an experiential, inner inquiry, students are encouraged both to be aware of checkpoints, and to explore how the posture feels and manifests in their body during any given yoga experience. It is this student-centered journey that is at the heart of the Gnostic (experiential) yoga tradition, and which should not be overshadowed by technical instructions.
Emmanuelle Brown's teaching is identifiable in firm technical guidance but free nature. During challenging postures, students are encouraged express emotion; smile and laugh; breaking down their boundaries thus making non-competition and contentment true aspects of the practice. The concept of the balanced class not only include the balancing all of the directional movements of the spine and joints in every class, but the balance of effort and allowing, of yin and yang. The seamless flow created avoids any extraneous movements, and prevents unbalanced flexibility and dis balance or loss in the Pranic energy system.Best Yoga Gold Coast at Southport Yoga studio Chirn Park
Akhanda, in Sanskrit, means indivisible, unbroken tradition, entire, and whole. Akhanda is the first word of a very inspiring Vedic mantra, Akhanda mandala karam — This Cosmos and the manifest universe is one indivisible entity.
Developing a regular practice
After your first week at Chirn Park Pilates & Yoga, you may find yourself developing a rhythm for your pilates & yoga practice. As a guideline, practicing 2-3 times each week works best for most people; it's different for each individual, and you'll need to experiment to find what works best for you.
"Diarise" your Pilates time in advance each week, and be strong with yourself to take the time out from all those "essential" work tasks, to nurture yourself regularly. Once you tear yourself away from the computer, you'll be glad you did!
Keeping safe in class
Always let your instructor know if you're injured or pregnant. Even if you've mentioned it before, take responsibility for making sure your instructor is aware of any physical limitations you may have in class, so they can give you the safest and most beneficial practice possible.
If you have been unwell, take it easy your first couple of classes back. It is very normal to feel nauseous and dizzy when you are recovering from illness. Your first class back should be approached slowly; don’t rush or push. Lie down if you feel dizzy. Although your first class back will likely be uncomfortable it will often speed up your recovery.
"Your body mind and soul are one indivisible entity; yoga is the bridge you walk between them."
Emmanuelle Brown