Our Teachers

Emmanuelle Brown
Emmanuelle Brown is the owner and director of Chirn Park Pilates & Yoga studio. After 14 years of working within the health and wellness industries Emmanuelle continues to educate herself by exploring all facets of the mind and body. Her most recent endeavor is with Polestar Pilates acquiring the highest qualification in pilates globally. In addition, she continues to return to Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram every year as to contemplate in retreat under the guidance of her guru Yogarishi Vishvaketu.
Blending her vast knowledge, she is now a holistic training specialist focusing on developing specialized programs for clients wanting weight loss, muscular / skeletal re-alignment, spiritual wellbeing and a pain free existence.
Today Emmanuelle is known for her life-affirming and exuberant teaching style, offering her years of experience with potent Pilates principles of alignment, elegant tantric philosophy and healing techniques that embody her own Practice (Sadhana). Her focus is to creatively inspire her students so they may learn to facilitate their own growth within the realms of spirituality and the healing of mind, body and spirit. Her aim is to create community, bringing people closer through the exploration of pilates and yoga.

Alex O'Brien
At a young age I was introduced to yoga and immediately fell in love with the practice. In my final year of school, I began to turn to yoga as a way of relieving anxiety and found it extremely useful for spiritual and mental healing. As my curiosity developed I began practicing under my mentor Emmanuelle Brown. From here, I completed my yoga teacher training under the guidance of Yogarishi Vishvaketu at Anand Prakash Ashram in Rishikesh, India. My teaching style incorporates a variety of asanas, pranayama, chanting, philosophy and meditation.
Since completing my Yoga Teacher Training (2013), further study including a Bachelor of Nutritional Medicine, Yin Yoga Teacher Training as well as my Cert IV in Polestar Pilates (mat series) I have transformed my lifestyle to become a holistic practitioner with a mission is to instill passion in others to live a happy, healthy and holistic life through the path of yoga, wellness & nutrition.

Heather Roudenko
Hi my name is Heather.I started teaching in Sydney in 1999 after completing the The Pilates Method with the Pilates Institute of Australasia. Soon after I was teaching Pilates Mat classes at Fitness First in Dee Why. I continued my education with the Pilates Room, achieving level 1&2 in mat classes Reformer level 1 and Pilates’ pregnancy course. In the year 2000 I started to run my own business for the next 10years, during this time joining my daughter Kimberley Garlick in a joint venture and adding a studio to our business in Sydney .I decided to further my career with courses for Studio Rehabilitation by studying with Polestar Pilates achieving Pilates studio levels 1,2,&3.
I am passionate about Pilates and have taken on many certifications under various Pilates institutes to have the latest techniques to help my clients achieve their goals in keeping healthy no matter what age they are. I love teaching and I can guarantee you will be feeling the benefits of the Pilates Method within a very short time. By working from the inside out you will develop a greater understanding of your body.

Lorin Thorp
Lorin’s journey in the fitness industry began in 2008. As a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Lorin felt guided to further her education and understanding of the mental, energetic and emotional body, therefore commencing a Bachelors Degree in Health Science in 2011. Lorin Thorp Yoga and Pilaes southport Emmanuelle Brown
For many years Lorin enjoyed the physical benefits of yoga, however when she connected with Akhanda yoga, her practice moved far beyond the limits of the mat and began to have profound benefits in all aspects of her life. Lorin’s desire to deepen her understanding of yogic philosophy lead her to Rishikesh, India where she completed her teacher training at Anand Prakash Ashram under the guidance of guru Yogrishi Vishvketu. As an Akhanda Yoga teacher, Pilates teacher and natural medicine student, Lorin continues to share her passion, knowledge and smile all around her and hopes to light inquisitive sparks in her students so they may also adopt the principles and practice of yoga with abundant gratitude for the here and now.

Kellie Footer
Yoga has always been a part of Kellie’s life, from a young age gymnastics and then yoga took her to a place ‘where everything was going to be okay’. After graduating with a Dual Honours Degree in Business, Kellie joined that rat-race and the banking sector in London. The silver lining was that her banking job sent her to Australia, living on the Gold Coast, traveling to Asia Pacific.
After 10 years of finance, a wonderful wedding and two beautiful babies, yoga was the constant in her life since moving to Australia Kellie has spent 6 years practicing yoga with Trish Stone, who has studied and taught yoga in Rishikesh, India. Kellie has been incredibly fortunate to study yoga in he traditional way, where knowledge is passed from teacher to student and when the time was right Kellie gained her teaching wings and has now been teaching full time since 2012.
After years of living an excessive lifestyle, Kellie now lives and practices the yogic philosophy that she teaches. She has a shining passion to share her knowledge with those that she is fortunate enough to guide. More than anything Kellie loves watching the students around her learn to stand on their own two feet, as she once did, find their love of yoga and make the shift to their best possible being.