Yoga Blog


Be kind …… Don’t Rewind

Taking life’s lessons in stride is what it’s all about isn’ t? However I am sure like me, you have caught yourself out making the same mistakes […]

The treasure that lies between your legs… Your Precious Pelvic floor

The treasure that lies between your legs… Your Precious Pelvic floor “I have muscles down there?!” is a phrase I often hear from new clients; with […]

Health, Wealthy & Wise…. Taste the Rainbow

Health = Wealth We have all heard the line “At least I’ve got my health”. Yes, I am certainly hoping so….. But for many Australians this […]

Pose of the Month: Camel (Ustrasana)

After exploring the internet I noticed many yoga sites post a “Pose of the month”. I was a little disappointed to find most only cover to […]

New Facebook Page

It would be wonderful support if you would please “Like” my new page.. this way you will receive the blog without lifting a finger… well perhaps […]

Sponteneity Pays Part 2

Here are the remaining sutras from my continuing porch philosophy lessons…. As I continue to make my afternoon trips to Yogi Gis house, I giggle at […]

Spontaneity brings wisdom……

Spontaneity brings wisdom ……After a couple of days of ample rest I decided I should get some more andmeandered down to the garden of my Ashram where I envisioned […]

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Pilates

1. Pilates is a physical fitness system– It is not a derivative of yoga We are tired of such misleading advertisements on the internet about Pilates. […]

Say What???

Have you ever followed your teacher in a Sanskrit chant while thinking, “What does this mean?” or even, “Can we skip this and get right to […]