I am sure that you have shared the “Ohh god, not again” experience much like I did when i first started practicing boat pose. The picture is still clear….. My guru sitting on his dais, shaking his head in pleasure as he would begin to extend his legs out in front of him proclaiming “Naukasana”! for the 10th time that class.
Regardless of the sweat on my brow and the shaking that in sued, I grew to appreciate the power of polishing my spirit through this challenge. And now as most of you would know, I take just as much pleasure teaching Naukasana as my guru did.
Naukasana is a wonderful stress reliever, it builds heat and Agni in the body removing lethargy and nervous tension. By working your “Core” it also helps to cultivate balance, strength and stamina.
When we practice boat pose many uncomfortable sensations such as heat and pain arise, we find ourselves in this new, unchartered territory of “sitting” in this confronting space. This is what I call the golden moment ….. the beauty of this potent moment is that we have the opportunity to emotionally witness and surrender our doubts whilst remaining physically still and un- perturbed. Personally this practice has aided me enormously in cultivating will power, strength, grace and lucidity even in times of adversity.
Boat Posing………I thought you would appreciate a wee tour of India whilst exploring its Asanas ..
Most Talented Photographer : Cale Glendening
Physiological/ Energetic
Little boat, Pashimottanasana.